by Tokyo Chan
You have taken winter selfies or photos with snowflakes, Definitely you need some perfect captions to post a pictures of your frost. We have gathered 30 inspirational but precious snowflake captions for Instagram. Scroll them and select one to post with your awesome pictures on Instagram.
“Snowflakes are one of nature’s most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together.”
“Breathin’ in snowflakes.”
“A snowflake is winter’s butterfly.”
“We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand and melting like a snowflake.”
“I wish I could press snowflakes in a book like flowers.”
“Even the strongest blizzards start with a single snowflake.”
“If kisses were snowflakes, I’d send you a blizzard.”
“We’re all like snowflakes—unique and one of a kind.”
“Good friends are like snowflakes—all different and all beautiful.”
“No snowflake ever falls in the wrong place.”
“We are like a snowflake all different in our own beautiful way.”
“Nature is full of genius, full of the divinity; so that not a snowflake escapes its fashioning hand.”
“No two snowflakes are alike.”
“No snowflake ever falls in the wrong place.”
“The wonder of a single snowflake outweighs the wisdom of a million meteorologists.”
“Every snowflake is unique, yet they are each perfect.”
“Time-Use it or lose it. Time, like a snowflake, disappears while we’re trying to decide what to do with it. The surest way to be late is to have plenty of time.”
“Sadly, my socks are like snowflakes, no two are exactly alike.”
“I do not wonder at a snowflake, a shell, a summer landscape, or the glory of the stars; but at the necessity of beauty under which the universe lies.”
“The snowflake never needs to feel responsible for the avalanche.”
“Her touch was as soft as a snowflake falling onto my skin.”
“Christians, like snowflakes, are frail, but when they stick together they can stop traffic.”
“We are all shitty little snowflakes dancing in the universe.”
“Didn’t I realize that each of us is a sacred, unique snowflake of special unique specialness?”
“Forests, lakes, and rivers, clouds and winds, stars and flowers, stupendous glaciers and crystal snowflakes – every form of animate or inanimate existence, leaves its impress upon the soul of man.”
“Whenever a snowflake leaves the sky,It turns and turns to say “Good-by!Good-by, dear clouds, so cool and gray!”Then lightly travels on its way.”
“Snowing is an attempt of God to make the dirty world look clean.”
“Love is like a snowflake, it can come to you in any shape or size, and from any direction”
“Every snowflake is special, until you need to make a snowball.”
“Like snowflakes, the human pattern is never cast twice.”
“Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand – and melting like a snowflake.”
About Tokyo Chan
Tokyo Chan is a creative writer who enjoys writing captions for Instagram and inspiration quotes. She received her bachelor of art degree in English from San Jose State University, California. Tokyo aspires to be a published author and motivational speaker. She loves spending time with her family and friends, traveling, and exploring new cultures.
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