Definitely there is something special about the sea. How amazing it is, if you take a cozy picture of your picnic setup on your beach blanket, or snap a photo of a boat that’s cruising through the waves. Here are some ocean headlines for Instagram that you can use to caption your photos along the seaside.
“Dear ocean, feel free to steal the spotlight in my selfies any day.”
“The memories will last forever… just like the sand at the bottom of my bag.”
“I was a mermaid for this sea-sun.”
“B.E.A.C.H: best escape anyone can have.”
“I’ve never been more sure of myself.”
“Happiness comes in waves.”
Best Ocean Captions For Instagram
“Hanging with my gull-friends by the ocean.”
“I don’t need a DNA test to prove I’m a part mermaid.”
“Long time no see. Let’s fix that ASAP.”
“Just like the ocean, I can be a little salty.”
“Cool as a couple of cucumbers.”
“Now that I’m by the ocean, I can see clearly.”
“I like to let the ocean take me where I’m supposed to go.”
“I like to let the waves kiss my feet while using the sand as my seat.”
“The ocean and I are o-fish-ally best friends forever.”
“I sure do love this view.”
“See the line where the sky meets the sea? It calls me. And no one knows, how far it goes.”
“Sally sounds like she’s living her best life. I would also like to sell seashells by the seashore.”
“If I don’t answer, try calling me on my shell phone.”
“Being in the ocean is like getting a hug from all sides.”
“Doing my best Ariel from ‘The Little Mermaid’ impression today.”
“I’m diving to get back to the ocean.”
Cool Ocean Captions For Instagram
“Quitting my job to be a full-time mermaid.”
“Felt cute, might sit in front of the ocean for a little while.”
“Dear Ocean, thank you for making us feel tiny, humbled, inspired, and salty all at once.”
“The ocean was waving, so I waved back.”
“Yeah, buoy. It’s currently ocean time.”
“Everyone should believe in something. I believe I should go to the beach.”
“Today, I decided to make waves.”
I’d let the ocean photobomb my pics any day.”
Best Ocean Captions For Instagram
“Beach hair is my signature look.”
“My favorite fragrance is the ocean.”
“Keep your friends close, and your sea anemones closer.”
“Whatever you’re saying isn’t as important as the sounds of the ocean.”
“High tide or in low tide, I’ll be by your side.”
“I’m just a drop in the ocean.”
“Can ocean gazing be my profession already?”
“I’d live here forever, but those water wrinkles are no joke.”
“High or low — if it’s a tide, I go.”
“The ocean called, so I had to answer.”
“There’s an art to sitting by the ocean, and I plan to master it.”
“Unless the ocean is involved, I don’t want to hear about it.”
“The ocean made me salty.”
“Dear ocean, do you have room for one more?”
About Andreas Ramos
Andreas Ramos is a social media enthusiast who loves writing captions for Instagram. He enjoys spending time with his family and friends, and traveling to new places. Andreas is also a fitness enthusiast, and likes to stay active by practicing yoga and going for walks.
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