Memes are a recent revolution and if you are looking for funny memes to share with your picture on Instagram, Facebook, or Whatsapp? We have compiled a collection of funniest memes captions for Instagram, let’s check out and choose a perfect caption to share with your followers.
“Studies show you already meet your soul mate before age 21.”
“Every girl: OMG traveling is my passion! Me: Look at a clock. We don’t have that in America.”
“Me anytime my pet alls asleep in a cute position.”
“When you’ve been eating healthy for the past 15 minutes and STILL see no progress.”
“When ur best friend calls u and have some gossip to tell u.”
“*spends whole week with her* Alright babe I’m heading out.”
“When you go off on him and later on realize you were actually wrong.”
“I want to buy so many things but not with my money.”
“When you did one set of squats and you check the mirror to see if the booty grew already.”
Funny Instagram Memes
Funny Instagram Memes for instagram
Me: ok I’m feeling really motivated, when I get home I’m going to sort my life out, get all of my work done and be successful. Me when I get home:
When your girl says she doesn’t want anything from MCDonalds but you turn your head and see her like this
Peta: Cows are friends, not food. Commenter: Name one cow you’re friends with.
Food isn’t allowed in the living room. His tablet isn’t allowed in the kitchen. He beat the system. I quit.
I’m totally against the selfie-stick but every now and then an exception comes along.
Girl: Our relationship is over. Me: our relationship is what? Over.
Me: Do you thin twins ever get themselves mixed up and forget which ones they are? Teacher: Ok wow.
This is every old man’s profile picture and it’s always uploaded 9 times.
When the professor is passionate about teaching and you genuinely understan and enjoy the class.
Me: I can’t drink anymore of this beer. Other me: There’s sober children in Africa, finish it.
About Andreas Ramos
Andreas Ramos is a social media enthusiast who loves writing captions for Instagram. He enjoys spending time with his family and friends, and traveling to new places. Andreas is also a fitness enthusiast, and likes to stay active by practicing yoga and going for walks.
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