Here we have collected some of the amazing Friday Status, Friday Status For Whatsapp, Friday Status For Facebook, and Quotes share with your friends on Happy Friday. Also, you can post this Friday status on your Instagram, Whatsapp, and Facebook. Scroll down and enjoy Happy Friday Status.
Friday, I’ve tried to see other days and none compare to you, I love you.
Why is Monday so far from Friday, but Friday so close to Monday?
Though He Slay Me, Yet Will I Trust in Him
The working week is over, The slavery is done, Friday night is now upon us, and a weekend of fun fun fun…
Coffee makes my mornings, but Fridays make my week!
Friends…family…fun…Fridays…All good things start with “F”!
Every day can be Friday if you’re really irresponsible.
I’m never sure how much ball cleavage to show when I wear my Casual Friday Jean Shorts.
We’re all just kids posing as professionals, counting the days until Friday.
TGIF! Thank God I’m Free? Oh wait. Thank God I’m fabulous? Hmmm …Oh yeah! Thank God It’s Friday… YEAH…
Climb into bed tonight with that blissful feeling that there will be no alarm clock in the morning -It’s the WEEKEND! – Woohoo!!
The Friday brings the smell of weekend…Relaxation from daily works…So be happy and keep Smiling!!Happy Friday!
I’m hoping that Thursday happy hour, doesn’t become Friday sad morning hangover. Happy Friday.
I always give 100% at work: 13% Monday, 22% Tuesday, 26% Wednesday, 35% Thursday and 4% Friday.
Friday, I’ve tried to see other days and none compare to you, I love you.
loves the smell of Friday in the morning, it smells like… WEEKEND.
I’ve run out of pictures to colour in, in my colouring in book… I guess that is enough work for a Friday…
Came home Friday with flowers for the missus. When I handed them to her she replied, “Great. Now I have to spend all weekend on my back with my legs in the air.” Obviously confused I asked, “Why? Don’t we have any vases?
I’ve never met a Friday I didn’t like!
Friday Status For Whatsapp
Friday Status
I don’t care if Monday’s blue Tuesdays gray and Wednesday too. Thursday I don’t care about you, It’s Friday I’m in love.
Can I get an F to the R to the I to the D to the A to the Y? OH MY GOD! Soooo glad it’s FRIDAY!
The working week is over, The slavery is done, Friday night is now upon us, and a weekend of fun fun fun…
The working week is over, The slavery is done, Friday night is now upon us, and a weekend of fun fun fun…
Would like to observe a moment of silence for all the innocent brain cells that lost their lives over the weekend.
I hate it when the people who owe me money post about how much they are enjoying their Friday!
Friday is like a superhero that always arrives just in time to stop me from savagely beating one of my coworkers with a keyboard.
My boss yelled at me yesterday “It’s the fifth time you’ve been late to work this week! Do you know what that means?!” I said, “Probably that it’s Friday?”…
Well, it’s easy to tell I’m married. It’s Friday night and I’m at home updating my Facebook status…
Before I lose my phone, end up naked, high, drunk and/or possibly arrested, I would like to wish you all a Happy Friday.
Welcome to Friday. In preparation for takeoff, please ensure all negative attitudes are properly stowed. On behalf of your captain, Jack Daniels and myself, welcome aboard. I expect sunshine and good attitudes today for our trip. Enjoy the ride.
Its finally Friday! Felt like it took a week to get here!!
Nothing ruins your Friday faster than realizing it’s only Wednesday.
I’m never sure how much ball cleavage to show when I wear my Casual Friday Jean Shorts.
Friday, Yay the weekends here…*BLINK* Monday? WTF?
Friday Status For Facebook
Friday Status For Facebook
Hello weekend. I’ve missed you. Can you please stay a little longer this time? Your last visit was way too short!
In addition to Casual Friday, I propose the following: Punch A Coworker Monday, No Pants Tuesday, Drunk At Work Wednesday, and Call In Sick Thursday.
Climb into bed tonight with that blissful feeling that there will be no alarm clock in the morning -It’s the WEEKEND! – Woohoo!!
The way I see it, EVERY Friday is Good Friday.
I hate it when the people who owe me money post about how much they are enjoying their Friday
Notice the same people that complain about being broke are the same people that are updating status saying they are out shopping on Friday.
Thursday, which is “Friday Eve” in Optimisian.
dear Friday, I’m ready..
Once again it’s Friday I know it’s only been 7 days since the last one but feels like it’s been a week!
Fridays are exciting, Knowing there is no alarm clock on Saturday, no stress from work. No one to answer to, and relaxing with your family.
Sometimes all I’m really doing with my life is just trying to make it from one weekend to the next.
Its Friday…I hope your weekend isn’t as lonely as Lance Armstrong’s testicle.
It’s Friday!!!!!! I just thought i’d tell ya’ll that just incase you haven’t seen all the other 1000 post about it.
Dear Radio Stations, please do not play Katy Perry’s “Friday Night” Monday morning at 8 AM during my drive to work.
Loves the smell of Friday in the morning, it smells like… WEEKEND.
3 horrible facts: 1. Today is not Friday… 2. Tomorrow is not Friday… 3. The day after tomorrow is not Friday…
On Friday nights I visit a club so exclusive nobody else knows it exists. It looks bizarrely like my living room & needs new cleaning staff.
Don’t wait untill friday, start your weekend on monday !!
Memo to my coworkers: It is Friday afternoon, and I have some serious web browsing and personal emailing to take care of, so please refrain from walking behind my cubicle. Thank you.
In addition to Casual Friday, I propose the following: Punch A Coworker Monday, No Pants Tuesday, Drunk At Work Wednesday, and Call In Sick Thursday.
About Andreas Ramos
Andreas Ramos is a social media enthusiast who loves writing captions for Instagram. He enjoys spending time with his family and friends, and traveling to new places. Andreas is also a fitness enthusiast, and likes to stay active by practicing yoga and going for walks.
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