40+ Daredevil Captions & Quotes For Instagram

by Andreas Ramos

Daredevil is one of the superhero web television series which is based on the Marvel Comics. Are you looking for the incredible Daredevil caption or quote for your next Instagram post? Then You are on the right place. Check our listed captions and quotes on Daredevils for Instagram, and choose the perfect one which can be suitable for your next Instagram post or any social media post.

Daredevil Captions For Instagram

Daredevil Captions For Instagram
Daredevil Captions For Instagram

“A woman that can be bought isn’t worth having.”

“They say your whole life flashes before your eyes when you die. And it’s true, even for a blind man.”

“Problems are just opportunities that haven’t presented themselves.”

“Emotion can turn the most circumspect of men careless.”

“Even the best of men can be deceived by their true nature.”

“Growing to love something is really simply forgetting slowly what you dislike about it.”

“General rule, guys who wear masks have something to hide, and it usually ain’t good.”

“The moment you put on the mask you got into cage with animals. Animals don’t stop fighting. Not until one of them is dead.”

“Wind blows the hardest the closer you get to the mountaintop.”

“In war, people die. If it’s not you, it’s the guy next to you.”

“There are no heroes, no villains. Just people with different agendas.”

“You don’t get to be the man at the top without making enemies looking to tear you down to the ground.”

“You want something out of life, you gotta put yourself out there.”

Daredevil Captions For Instagram
Daredevil Captions For Instagram

“It is the clever man who plays the fool. And a foolish woman who does not recognize it.”

“Man cannot be both savior and oppressor… light and shadow. One has to be sacrificed for the other.”

“Nothing drives people to the Church faster than the thought of the Devil snapping at their heels.”

“Telling the truth is never simple or easy. Why, only the best of us ever really try.”

“Did you even listen to Brett? We’re talking about a squad of trained killers loose on the streets. Not the kind of guys you challenge to a fist fight in your underwear.”

“Did Castle say anything that we can use? ‘Cause when the judge calls his first witness tomorrow, my only plan so far is to run away, and open a butcher shop.”

“I would keep my promise. I would help those that others wouldn’t. I would seek justice… one way or another.”

“I waited outside the Olympic for my father. In some ways, I’m still waiting. Nobody cared much about the death of a washed-up prizefighter… nobody but me.”

“Justice is served.”

“We don’t get to pick the things that fix us, Red. Make us whole. Make us feel purpose. My moment of clarity? It came from the strangest of places.”

“Loss doesn’t work the same for everybody.”

Marvel’s Daredevil Captions & Quotes

Marvel's Daredevil Captions & Quotes
Marvel's Daredevil Captions & Quotes

“I’m not a daredevil. I don’t fly without a safety net.”

“The only thing I ever saw stop a thug mid-fight was a bigger thug.”

“War changes people. Sometimes they see things they can’t unsee. Come home to find home’s not there anymore. It changed. Or maybe they did.”

“You can bash against your chains all night. Only way you get out of here, only way you walk free, is if I want you to. Know that.”

“There’s something about this city that makes good people want to shoot their way out of bad situations.”

“Did you even listen to Brett? We’re talking about a squad of trained killers loose on the streets. Not the kind of guys you challenge to a fist fight in your underwear.”

“If I take a night off, people get hurt.”

“I’ll always be there… when you really need me… to patch you up.”

“You were right, what you told me over the radio that night. Not everyone deserves a happy ending.”

“Even the best of men can be deceived by their true nature.”

“This is the part where law meets reality. Either I put on the mask or we risk losing Hoffman and Fisk wins.”

Marvel's Daredevil Captions & Quotes
Marvel's Daredevil Captions & Quotes

“I am not here to threaten you. I’m here to kill you.”

“People seek the truth, no matter where they find it.”

“The wheel constantly turns. We must adapt to its position, or be crushed beneath it.”

“Wind blows the hardest the closer you get to the mountaintop.”

“Good thing about red, they can’t tell how much you’re bleeding.”

“Sometimes even when you get knocked down, you can still win.”

“Used to be if you killed a man, you sent his wife flowers. Now they just send his wife with him.”

“A woman that can be bought isn’t worth having.”

“Life is not a fairy tale. Not everyone deserves a happy ending.”

“Being informed, knowing facts as they are, not how we wish to perceive them, can tip the balance between life and death.”

“Perhaps we’re destined to follow a path none of us can see, only vaguely sense, as it takes our hand, guiding us towards the inevitable”

Daredevil Quotes & Sayings

Daredevil Quotes & Sayings
Daredevil Quotes & Sayings

“I’m Not Seeking Penance For What I’ve Done, Father. I’m Asking For Forgiveness… For What I’m About To Do.”

“These Questions Of Good And Evil… Have No Place In A Court Of Law. Only The Facts Matter.”

“It Means That I’m Not The Samaritan. That I’m Not The Priest, Or The Levite. That I Am The Ill Intent Who Set Upon The Traveler.”

“You Hit Them And They Get Back Up, I Hit Them And They Stay Down.”

“Guilt Can Be A Good Thing. It’s The Soul’s Call To Action… The Guilt Means Your Work Is Not Yet Finished.”

“What Is It, To Be A Hero? Look In The Mirror And You’ll Know. Look Into Your Own Eyes And Tell Me That You Are Not Heroic.”

“I’m Daredevil. Not Even God Can Stop That Now.”

“When Someone In Need Tries To Push You Away… You Have To Find The Strength To Hold On Tighter.”

Daredevil Quotes & Sayings
Daredevil Quotes & Sayings

“The Only Thing Powerful Enough To Take Down Scumbags Like Him Is The Law.”

“You Don’t Get To Destroy Who I Am… This City Rejected You. It Beat You. I Beat You!”

“Keep going like this, you just might end up happy. And for a Catholic boy, that’s a pretty dangerous thing.”

“People that can hurt you, the ones that can really hurt you, are the ones that are close enough to do it.”

“You don’t get what you want by day. You take it by force at night. This is who you are, Matthew. And don’t fool yourself into thinking it’s anything else.”

“Everyone warned me that prison would be an inhumane environment. It is. But I find it refreshing. The perfect microcosm of the animal world. When an animal wants something, when it needs something, other things need to be stepped on.”

“You know it can be hard? You run around this city in a pair of little boy’s pajamas and a mask. You go home at night, right? Take that mask off, maybe you think… it wasn’t you who did those things, maybe it was somebody else. Well, see, soldiers… we don’t wear masks, yeah? We don’t get that privilege.”

“Okay, I find a guy in a dumpster who turns out to be some kind of blind vigilante who can do all of this really weird s*** like smell cologne through walls and sense whether someone’s unconscious or faking it. Slap on top of that, he can take an unbelievable amount of punishment without one damn complaint.”

About Andreas Ramos

Andreas Ramos is a social media enthusiast who loves writing captions for Instagram. He enjoys spending time with his family and friends, and traveling to new places. Andreas is also a fitness enthusiast, and likes to stay active by practicing yoga and going for walks.

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